I have an assignment which requires me to make an itinerary on Colaboratory using Folium. I have 8 different locations in Europe linked together with a Polyline. I was trying to make the line dashed but couldn't find a way to...
I am a beginner and couldn't find many solutions. The ones i've tried did not work, i have tried things like adding: linestyle='dashed'(i have no idea if that is what i am supposed to do or if i used it correctly, i must have just added it after color='red', --> check script part 1)
Here is my script (it was too long for one picture) Script part 1 Script part 2
Here is my map (the red lines are what i tried to get dashed)
My map
You can use dash_array
argument in PolyLine()
import folium
m = folium.Map(location=[43, 11],
loc = [(43, 11),
(48, 13),
(49, 3),
(44, 4),
(45, 6)]
and you get: