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Solr variable from parent entity not set in child entity

I'm facing a very weird problem. Here is my case. My documents is composed of 2 entities, each one from different databases. Below is part of my bd-data-config.xml (some code has been modified/stripped for security purpose)

  <entity name="process_oracle" datasource="oracle" query="
    select 'oracle-' || p.process_id as id, p.process_id from tb_process p">
    <field column="process_id" name="process_id"/>
    <entity name="subject" datasource="oracle" query="
      select distinct sub.subject
      from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub
      where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject
        and prc_sub.id_process = ${process_oracle.process_id}">
      <field column="subject" name="subject"/>

  <entity name="process_postgresql" datasource="postgresql" query="
    select 'postgresql-' || p.process_id as id, p.process_id from tb_process p">
    <field column="process_id" name="process_id"/>
    <entity name="subject" datasource="postgresql" query="
      select distinct sub.subject
      from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub
      where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject
        and prc_sub.id_process = ${process_postgresql.process_id}">
      <field column="subject" name="subject"/>

When I execute the import, it runs normally. No error is reported at Web Admin interface nor at log, althought, here is the weird thing. Whilst the subjects of process_postgresql are indexed, the subjects of process_oracle are not. Here a small piece of the output query.

        "subject":["subject1", "subject2"]

As you can see, the subjects from postgresql are indexed, meanwhile those from oracle are not. When I checked the log (run in debug mode) I noticed this:

2020-03-13 11:52:47.085 DEBUG (Thread-33) [   ] o.a.s.h.d.JdbcDataSource Executing SQL:      select distinct sub.subject from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject and prc_sub.id_process = 
2020-03-13 11:52:47.953 DEBUG (Thread-33) [   ] o.a.s.h.d.JdbcDataSource Executing SQL:      select distinct sub.subject from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub  where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject and prc_sub.id_process = 12

As you can see, the problem is that the variable ${process_oracle.process_id} is not been set, meanwhile the variable ${process_postgresql.process_id} runs just fine.

Does anyone have a clue of why is it happening?

Best Regards


  • After few days, I could solve the problem. The variable must be in upper case. So It must look like that:

      <entity name="process_oracle" datasource="oracle" query="
        select 'oracle-' || p.process_id as id, p.process_id from tb_process p">
        <field column="process_id" name="process_id"/>
        <entity name="subject" datasource="oracle" query="
          select distinct sub.subject
          from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub
          where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject
            and prc_sub.id_process = ${process_oracle.PROCESS_ID}">
          <field column="subject" name="subject"/>
      <entity name="process_postgresql" datasource="postgresql" query="
        select 'postgresql-' || p.process_id as id, p.process_id from tb_process p">
        <field column="process_id" name="process_id"/>
        <entity name="subject" datasource="postgresql" query="
          select distinct sub.subject
          from tb_subject sub, tb_process_subject prc_sub
          where sub.id_subject = prc_sub.id_subject
            and prc_sub.id_process = ${process_postgresql.PROCESS_ID}">
          <field column="subject" name="subject"/>

    That's it. As simple as that.