I have an input array A stored in the memory, which is used to produce another array, much bigger B. However, since B is a huge array, I don't really want to store it in the memory, but to save it locally into a file (using fwrite
). For this, I calculate every iteration the i
th row and append it to the output file. That way, I only need to store one row at a time in the memory, and eventually, an output file is created, with all the data I needed.
The output file seems to be in proper size, considering the number of items it consists of. Nevertheless, when I try to read back fragments from the output file using fread
, (for instance, retrieve the first 2000 items), only the first 23 items are retrieved.
This is the primary function to create the output file:
void exportCovMatrix(char *outputString, double *inputStdMatrix, int colDim, int rowDim) {
double *covRow = calloc(rowDim, sizeof(double));
int i, j, n;
FILE *output;
fclose(fopen(outputString, "w"));
output = fopen(outputString, "a");
assert(covRow != NULL);
assert(output != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < rowDim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < rowDim; j++)
covRow[j] = dotProduct(&inputStdMatrix[i * colDim], &inputStdMatrix[j * colDim], colDim);
n = fwrite(covRow, sizeof(double), rowDim, output);
assert(n == rowDim);
This is another function, that reads the given output file:
double *calculateNextB(char* inputString, double* row, int dim){
FILE* input = fopen(inputString, "r");
int i, j;
assert(input != NULL);
for(i = 0; i <= dim; i++){
j = fread(row, sizeof(double), dim, input);
printf("%d items were read.\n", j);
I'd appreciate any help in solving this issue. Thanks!
You open the file respectively with
fclose(fopen(outputString, "w"));
FILE* input = fopen(inputString, "r");
But as explained for example here
In order to open a file as a binary file a "b" character has to be included in the mode string.
(I know it is a C++ source, but in some system it is true, though it's not in many POSIX systems, as explained in https://linux.die.net/man/3/fopen )