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How to disable typography in github pages?

Is there a way to disable typography in github pages?

For instance I want '...' in the output instead of ‘…’ .


  • Since Jekyll uses Kramdown, that parser will, as documented in syntax / typographic symbols, replace ... with an ellipsis (like this )

    Maybe you can try and use the typographic_symbols Jekyll option which comes from issue 472

    --typographic_symbols "{hellip: ...}"

    If not, you would need to define a filter, to replace {{ content }} with what you want.

    {% assign t = t | replace: '…', '...' }

    The OP Mikhail Morfikov also suggests in the comments:

      typographic_symbols: { hellip: ... , mdash: --- , ndash: -- , laquo: "<<" , raquo: ">>" , laquo_space: "<< " , raquo_space: " >>" }
      smart_quotes: apos,apos,quot,quot