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Await for future again after tokio::time::timeout

I have a process using tokio::process to spawn child processes with handles in the tokio runtime.

It is also responsible for freeing the resources after killing a child and, according to the documentation (std::process::Child, tokio::process::Child), this requires the parent to wait() (or await in tokio) for the process.

Not all process behave the same to a SIGINT or a SIGTERM, so I wanted to give the child some time to die, before I send a SIGKILL.

Desired solution:

    pub async fn kill(self) {
        // Close input

        // Send gracefull signal
        let pid = nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw( as nix::libc::pid_t);
        nix::sys::signal::kill(pid, nix::sys::signal::SIGINT);

        // Give the process time to die gracefully
        if let Err(_) = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(2), self.process).await
            // Kill forcefully
            nix::sys::signal::kill(pid, nix::sys::signal::SIGKILL);

However this error is given:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `self.process`
  --> src/bin/multi/
42 |         if let Err(_) = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(2), self.process).await
   |                                                                                 ------------ value moved here
46 |             self.process.await;
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ value used here after move
   = note: move occurs because `self.process` has type `tokio::process::Child`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

And if I obey and remove the self.process.await, I see the child process still taking resources in ps.

How can I await for an amount of time and perform actions and await again if the amount of time expired?

I solved my immediate problem by setting a tokio timer that always sends the SIGKILL after two seconds, and having a single self.process.await at the bottom. But this solution is not desirable since another process may spawn in the same PID while the timer is running.

Adding a minimal, reproducible example (playground)

async fn delay() {
    for _ in 0..6 {

async fn runner() {
    let delayer = delay();
    if let Err(_) = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(2), delayer).await {
        println!("Taking more than two seconds");


  • You needed to pass a mutable reference. However, you first need to pin the future in order for its mutable reference to implement Future. pin_mut re-exported from the futures crate is a good helper around this:

    use futures::pin_mut;
    async fn delay() {
        for _ in 0..6 {
    async fn runner() {
        let delayer = delay();
        if let Err(_) = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(2), &mut delayer).await {
            println!("Taking more than two seconds");