I am trying to find a way to run some code only if there was no error in a given rxjs chain. Consider the following, is there something like the artificial NO_ERROR_OCCURED_RUN_HAPPY_PATH_CODE
operator in rxjs?
private wrap(obs: Observable<any>): Observable<any> {
return of(1).pipe(
tap(() => this.spinner.startSpinner()),
mergeMap(() =>
NO_ERROR_OCCURED_RUN_HAPPY_PATH_CODE(() => this.generic_success_popup()),
finalize(() => this.spinner.stopSpinner())
Basically almost all operator will be invoke if no error is thrown along the pipe, apart from finalize
tap(_=>console.log('no error, will run'),
// throw some error
map(_=>throwError('some error'),
finalize(_=>console.log('will be called when there is error or upon observable complete')),
tap(_=>console.log('this will not run')),