I have this data frame, that contains lat/lon coordiantes:
Lat Lon
29.39291 -98.50925
29.39923 -98.51256
29.40147 -98.51123
29.38752 -98.52372
29.39291 -98.50925
29.39537 -98.50402
29.39343 -98.49707
29.39291 -98.50925
29.39556 -98.53148
These are the coordinates that construct the polygon:
Lat Lon
29.392945 -98.507696
29.406167 -98.509074
29.407234 -98.517039
29.391325 -98.517166
I want to check for each coordinate (from the first data frame) if it's within the polygon, using Python, and taking into account the great circle.
Expected result:
Lat Lon Within
29.39291 -98.50925 1
29.39923 -98.51256 1
29.40147 -98.51123 1
29.38752 -98.52372 0
29.39291 -98.50925 1
29.39537 -98.50402 0
29.39343 -98.49707 0
29.39291 -98.50925 1
29.39556 -98.53148 0
From here What's the fastest way of checking if a point is inside a polygon in python, assuming your dataframe of the polygon is df_poly and the points are df_points:
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
polygon = Polygon([tuple(x) for x in df_poly[['Lat', 'Lon']].to_numpy()])
df_points['Within'] = df_points.apply(lambda x: polygon.contains(Point(x['Lat'], x['Lon'])), axis=1)