I am using universal-analytics for Google Analytics, but the visitor.event()
call with label value as a string is not working.
As per the below document, it says the label value should be non-negative, does it mean it only accepts Integers or String as well? https://github.com/peaksandpies/universal-analytics/blob/master/AcceptableParams.md
visitor.event(category, action, label).send();
// Working and events are reported.
Example: {"category":"APISvc","action":"URLStats","label":"Called"}
visitor.event(category, action, label, labelValue).send();
// NOT Working.
Example: {"category":"APISvc","action":"URLStats","label":"Success","labelValue":"2S"}
Context: Using this in Cloud Functions (NodeJS) on Google Firebase.
Appreciating your help!
The value component, for a Google Analytics event, if it is defined it must be an integer (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033068?hl=en).