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ClassLoader issues: GemFire JCA Resource Adapter in IBM WebSphere LibertyBase

I'm attempting to setup a JCA resource adapter for Gemfire 9.8 on IBM WebSphere Liberty base by following the link

Here is my ra.xml:

<connector xmlns=""

<display-name>GFE JCA Adaptor</display-name>
<eis-type>GFE JCA</eis-type>


And here is my resource adapter setting:

<library id="gemfireRaLib" apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, stable, third-party, api">
  <fileset dir="path/to/geode-lib" includes="geode-dependencies.jar"/>

<resourceAdapter id="gemfireJCA" location="/path/to/geode-lib/geode-jca-9.8.3.rar">
    <classloader apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, stable, third-party, api" commonLibraryRef="gemfireRaLib" delegation="parentFirst"/>

When I start my liberty server, spring boot initialization fails saying ClassNotFoundException org.apache.geode.ra.GFConnectionFactory is not found.

Then I put all geode dependencies as a shared library:

<library id="gemfireRaLib" apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, stable, third-party, api">
  <fileset dir="/path/to/geode-lib" includes="geode-dependencies.jar"/>
  <fileset dir="/path/to/geode-lib" includes="*.jar"/>

<resourceAdapter id="gemfireJCA" location="/path/to/geode-jca-9.8.3.rar">
    <classloader apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, stable, third-party, api" commonLibraryRef="gemfireRaLib" delegation="parentFirst"/>


<webApplication contextRoot="apprRoot13" location="/path/to/mylocation.war" name="App13" id="App13">
    <classloader apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, stable, third-party, api" commonProviderRef="gemfireRaLib" delegation="parentFirst" />


spring-data-gemfire initialization fails:
AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unexpected exception parsing XML document from class path resource [applicationContext-gemfire.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver

In all above scenario I get gemfireJCA adapter installed successfully.

Update 1

/path/to/shared/geode-lib/ contains the following jars:

geode-common-9.8.3.jar geode-cq-9.8.3.jar geode-jca-9.8.3.rar geode-management-9.8.3.jar geode-core-9.8.3.jar geode-dependencies.jar geode-lucene-9.8.3.jar geode-wan-9.8.3.jar

When I pack them inside WAR the application bootsup but fails at

lookup = (GFConnectionFactory) template.lookup("gfe/jca");


java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.geode.internal.ra.GFConnectionFactoryImpl incompatible with org.apache.geode.ra.GFConnectionFactory

I get java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.geode.internal.ra.GFConnectionFactoryImpl incompatible with org.apache.geode.ra.GFConnectionFactory because GFConnectionFactoryImpl and GFConnectionFactory are loaded by different classloaders. Thats why I created a geode-lib shared library. Sharing it between JCA resource adapter and web application


  • Thanks a lot for your response. Here is the root cause of the issue.

    • In Liberty there is no SingleClassloader per application policy. The classloader of a JCA resource adapter is different and WebApplication is different.
    • Hence geode-*.jar is loaded by 2 different classloaders.
    • GFConnectionFactory provided by gemfireJCA RA is different from application. Hence it is impossible to 'class cast' GFConnectionFactory loaded by JCA classloader into application classloader.

    To solve this I can follow any of the below solutions:

    Solution 1:

    Deploy GemfireJCA and WAR in a Single EAR. Pack geode-jca.rar along with geode-*.jar and geode-dependencies.jar as a common library and WAR.

    Please note: These geode-*.jar should not be in WEB-INF/lib of WAR. Here is the EAR tree: App13.ear: | |--gemfire-jca-9.8.3.rar |--WebApp13.war(Without geode-*.jar) |--lib | |--geode-common-9.8.3.jar | |--geode-cq-9.8.3.jar | |--geode-management-9.8.3.jar | |--geode-core-9.8.3.jar | |--geode-dependencies.jar | |--geode-lucene-9.8.3.jar | |--geode-wan-9.8.3.jar |--META-INF | |--application.xml (with module connector for gemfireJCA using gemfire-jca-9.8.3.rar)

    Solution 2:

    Handle connection via source code:

    public JCAManagedConnectionFactory jcaManagedConnectionFactory() {
        JCAManagedConnectionFactory jcaManagedConnectionFactory =
            new JCAManagedConnectionFactory();
        jcaManagedConnectionFactory.setUserName(""); // DO NOT SET ANY USERNAME
        return jcaManagedConnectionFactory;
    public JCAManagedConnection jcaManagedConnection(JCAManagedConnectionFactory jcaManagedConnectionFactory)
        throws ResourceException {
        return (JCAManagedConnection) jcaManagedConnectionFactory
            .createManagedConnection(null, null);
    public GFConnectionFactory getGFConnectionFactory(JCAManagedConnectionFactory jcaManagedConnectionFactory,
                                                      JCAManagedConnection jcaManagedConnection)
        throws ResourceException {
        GFConnectionFactory lookup =
            (GFConnectionFactory) jcaManagedConnectionFactory
                .createConnectionFactory(new ConnectionManager() {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID =
                    public Object allocateConnection(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
                                                     ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
                        throws ResourceException {
                        return jcaManagedConnection.getConnection(null,
        return lookup;

    Clean up connection during shutdown:

    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextClosedEvent event) {
        if (null != jcaManagedConnection) {
            try {
            } catch (ResourceException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error while shuttingdown the container {}",
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);