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How do you implement a system dynamics style pipeline delay in deSolve (R)?

I'm attempting to model a pipeline delay with deSolve in R. I have one stock (worktodo) that has a constant input (work_arrival) and I want a pipeline delay execution (work_rate) where the stock goes down by the same arrival rate with a 3 step delay. Currently, I am able to initialize the pipeline delay, but it seems to reset after the lag (on for 3 steps, off for 3 steps, ...). It should stay on to match the work_arrival. Any ideas?

####System Dyanmics Model - Pipeline Delay

#model setup
finaltime  =  50
initialtime  =  0
timestep  =  1

#create a time vector
simtime <- seq(initialtime, finaltime, by= timestep)

#add auxs
auxs <- c(
   work_arrival = 50

#add stocks
stocks <- c(
   worktodo= 600 )

# This is the model function
model <- function(time, stocks, auxs){
  with(as.list(c(stocks, auxs)),{
#add aux calculations

   tlag <- 3
   if(time < tlag){
      work_rate = 0
      ylag <- lagderiv(time - tlag)
      work_rate <- ylag

   #if(time == 3) print(structure(ylag))

#add stock calculations

   worktodo  =  work_arrival - work_rate

#return data

   work_rate = work_rate,
   work_arrival = work_arrival))

data <- data.frame(dede(y= stocks, times = simtime, func = model, parms = auxs, method = "lsodar"))

df <- data %>% 
   pivot_longer(-time, names_to = 'variable')

ggplot(df, aes(time, value, color = variable))+
   geom_line(size =1.25)+

Currently Model Behavior --- Work Rate modulates instead of staying on


  • By changing the work arrival to a stock (state variable) you are able to access it as a lag. The package (deSolve) seems to optimize speed by keeping only state variables in its history as it performs calculations.

    ####System Dyanmics Model - Pipeline Delay
    #model setup
    finaltime  =  50
    initialtime  =  0
    timestep  =  1
    #create a time vector
    simtime <- seq(initialtime, finaltime, by= timestep)
    #add auxs
    auxs <- c(
      work_arrival = 50
    #add stocks
    stocks <- c(
      worktodo= 600 ,
      work_arrival_stock = 50
    # This is the model function
    model <- function(time, stocks, auxs){
      with(as.list(c(stocks, auxs)),{
        #add aux calculations
        #work_arrival_stock_depletion = work_arrival_stock
        tlag <- 3
        if(time < tlag){
          work_rate = 0
          ylag <- lagvalue(time - tlag)[2] #[2] grabs the value of the second stock
          work_rate <- ylag
        #if(time == 3) print(structure(ylag))
        #add stock calculations
        worktodo  =  work_arrival - work_rate
        work_arrival_stock = 0
        #return data
          work_rate = work_rate,
          work_arrival = work_arrival))
    data <- data.frame(dede(y= stocks, times = simtime, func = model, parms = auxs, method = "lsodar"))
    df <- data %>% 
      pivot_longer(-time, names_to = 'variable')
    ggplot(df, aes(time, value, color = variable))+
      geom_line(size =1.25)+

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