I have thousands of shapes stored as PNG files and boundaries' coordinates for each shape. Boundaries' coordinates are coordinates of 4 corners of the minimum enclosing rectangle of the shape (example below).
The goal is to use PNG images and their boundaries' coordinates to convert them into polygon (KML or GeoJSON).
I'm not sure even about the techs I can use to reach the result, so I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Input data (PNG):
8.348236, 44.66804
, 8.305321, 44.66829
, 8.348579, 44.63507
, 8.305492, 44.63507
.Desired output:
How do I imagine the process:
I used simple PNG as an example but the shapes could be much more complex:
Ok, I saved your image as "shape.png"
and your GeoJSON enclosing rectangle as "boundaries.json"
. Then my method is as follows:
to find the vertices in the shape image#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import json
import geojson
import numpy as np
from geojson import Feature, Point, FeatureCollection, Polygon, dump
def getNESWextents(GeoJSONfile):
# Load the enclosing rectangle JSON
with open('boundaries.json','r') as datafile:
data = json.load(datafile)
feature_collection = FeatureCollection(data['features'])
lats = []
lons = []
for feature in data['features']:
coords = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
# Work out N, E, S, W extents of boundaries
Nextent = max(lats)
Sextent = min(lats)
Wextent = min(lons)
Eextent = max(lons)
return Nextent, Eextent, Sextent, Wextent
def loadAndTrimImage(imagefilename):
"""Loads the named image and trims it to the extent of its content"""
# Open shape image and extract alpha channel
im = cv2.imread(imagefilename,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
alpha = im[...,3]
# Find where non-zero, i.e. not black
y_nonzero, x_nonzero = np.nonzero(alpha)
# Crop to extent of non-black pixels and return
res = alpha[np.min(y_nonzero):np.max(y_nonzero), np.min(x_nonzero):np.max(x_nonzero)]
# Threshold to pure white on black
_, res = cv2.threshold(res, 64, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
return res
def getVertices(im):
"""Gets the vertices of the shape in im"""
_, contours, *_ = cv2.findContours(im, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# Should probably sort by contour area here - and take contour with largest area
perim = cv2.arcLength(contours[0], True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[0], 0.01 * perim, True)
print(f'DEBUG: Found shape with {approx.shape[0]} vertices')
return approx
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get N, E, S, W extents from JSON file
Nextent, Eextent, Sextent, Wextent = getNESWextents('boundaries.json')
print(f'DEBUG: Nextent={Nextent}, Eextent={Eextent}, Sextent={Sextent}, Wextent={Wextent}')
# Load the image and crop to contents
im = loadAndTrimImage('shape.png')
print('DEBUG: Trimmed image is "trimmed.png"')
cv2.imwrite('trimmed.png', im)
# Get width and height in pixels
Hpx, Wpx = im.shape
# Get width and height in degrees
Hdeg, Wdeg = Nextent-Sextent, Eextent-Wextent
# Calculate degrees per pixel in East-West and North-South direction
degppEW = Wdeg/Wpx
degppNS = Hdeg/Hpx
print(f'DEBUG: degppEW={degppEW}, degppNS={degppNS}')
# Get vertices of shape and stuff into list of features
features = []
vertices = getVertices(im)
for i in range(vertices.shape[0]):
x, y = vertices[i,0]
lon = Wextent + x*degppEW
lat = Nextent - y*degppNS
print(f'DEBUG: Vertex {i}: imageX={x}, imageY={y}, lon={lon}, lat={lat}')
point = Point((lon,lat))
features.append(Feature(geometry=point, properties={"key":"value"}))
# Convert list of features into a FeatureCollection and write to disk
featureCol = FeatureCollection(features)
with open ('result.json', 'w') as f:
dump(featureCol, f)
Here is the trimmed image:
Here is the debug output:
DEBUG: Nextent=44.66828662253787, Eextent=8.348579406738281, Sextent=44.63507036301143, Wextent=8.305320739746094
DEBUG: Trimmed image is "trimmed.png"
DEBUG: degppEW=8.634464469498503e-05, degppNS=6.0503204966194347e-05
DEBUG: Found shape with 6 vertices
DEBUG: Vertex 0: imageX=211, imageY=2, lon=8.323539459776736, lat=44.668165616127936
DEBUG: Vertex 1: imageX=2, imageY=224, lon=8.305493429035483, lat=44.654733904625445
DEBUG: Vertex 2: imageX=81, imageY=472, lon=8.312314655966388, lat=44.63972910979383
DEBUG: Vertex 3: imageX=374, imageY=548, lon=8.337613636862018, lat=44.63513086621639
DEBUG: Vertex 4: imageX=500, imageY=392, lon=8.348493062093587, lat=44.64456936619112
DEBUG: Vertex 5: imageX=484, imageY=155, lon=8.347111547778466, lat=44.65890862576811