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Cannot connect to neo4j running in droplet but using lynx to navigate to localhost:7474 works, ufw & digital ocean firewall configured

I'm running a brand new droplet in digital ocean running on Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64, neo4j status is active and remote interface available on port 7474.

  • Using lynx via ssh to browse to localhost:7474 works, neo4j is alive and active.
  • Pinging works
  • Firewall asigned to allow all traffic but also specifically those ports
  • Browsing to the ip address on any port does not work
  • Used ufw to manually add port 80, 443, 7474 to allow access
  • Cannot connect via browser to the droplet on any port

Firewall configuration:

enter image description here

UFW Status:

enter image description here


  • Can you make sure the following line in your neo4j.conf file is uncommented :

    # With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections.
    # To accept non-local connections, uncomment this line: