I'm able to run puppet bolt command in powershell. In powershell, I got output as below
Started on winrm://remotemachine
Finished on winrm://remotemachine
STDOUT: RemoteMachineHostName
Successful on 1 target Run on 1 tartget in 3.2 sec
My C# is as below
PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();
Collection<PSObject> results = ps.Invoke(); // in results, I'm getting value as 0.
foreach (PSObject result in results)
//Do something
I tried changing build platform target to x64 in Visual Studio 2019 but it didn't worked.
How to fix above issue
Update 1:
I have used below command in powershell script.
bolt command run hostname --targets winrm:// --no-ssl-verify --user testuser123 --password test@84p
I figured it out that, Visual Studio is calling 32 bit powershell and unable to run bolt commands as bolt module installed on 64 bit powershell.
I have changed project build platform to x64 and build it.
It worked.