Coq has some convenient tactics for automatically proving arithmetic lemmas, for instance lia
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Require Import Psatz.
Lemma obv : forall (x y z: nat), (x < y)%coq_nat -> (y < z)%coq_nat -> (z < 3)%coq_nat -> (x < 3)%coq_nat.
move => x y z xlty yltz zlt3. lia.
The tactics do not directly support SSReflect-style boolean reflection statements however:
Lemma obv_ssr: forall (x y z: nat), (x < y) && (y < z) && (z < 3) -> (x < 3).
move => x y z H. Fail lia.
Lemma obv_ssr: forall (x y z: nat), (x < y) -> (y < z) -> (z < 3) -> (x < 3).
move => x y z xlty yltz zlt3. Fail lia.
It's possible to solve them by converting to non-SSR format using views:
Lemma obv_ssr: forall (x y z: nat), (x < y) && (y < z) && (z < 3) -> (x < 3).
move => x y z. move/andP => [/andP [/ltP x_lt_y /ltP y_lt_z] /ltP z_lt_3].
apply/ltP. lia.
This is however very manual. Is there some kind of technique/approach/tactic that can automate this application of lemmas like lia
to SSR-style statements?
This is not yet a totally resolved issue in general: you can track its progress here.
In your particular example the following is enough:
Lemma obv_ssr: forall (x y z: nat), (x < y) && (y < z) && (z < 3) -> (x < 3).
move=> x y z.
rewrite -?(rwP andP) -?(rwP ltP).
Sometimes you might want to throw in some more conversions of the standard arithmetic types using something like rewrite -?plusE -?multE -?minusE
(adding more conversions if you have more arithmetic operations in your goal).
There are at least two projects trying to resolve the issue in general: