I am new to google cloud functions and try to restrict access to my function by only requests from dialogflow webhooks. I see two options in gcloud console: allow unauthenticated requests and restrict by user accounts. I don't understand how to implement that authentication. Dialogflow webhooks has options to set http headers that sets in webhook requests. But gcloud console hasn't interface/options to obtain any data that I can write as http authentication header. So I see only option implement authetication flow in cloud function, but in that way why google added option to restrict access by http authentication. Can anyone give me an example step-by-step example how to obtain http headers names and data needed to implement http authentication on cloud functions from dialogflow webhooks?
There isn't built in authentication, you have to perform it by yourselves. You have some guidance here in the Google Cloud Documentation
In summary, set your function public (allow unauthenticated) and perform the check in your code.