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Flink window function getResult not fired

I am trying to use event time in my Flink job, and using BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor to extract timestamp and generate watermark. But I have some input Kafka having sparse stream, it can have no data for a long time, which makes the getResult in AggregateFunction not called at all. I can see data going into add function.

I have set getEnv().getConfig().setAutoWatermarkInterval(1000L); I tried

            .keyBy(entry -> (String) entry.get(key))
            .aggregate(new CountTask(basicMetricTags, windowInMinutes))

also session window

            .keyBy(entry -> (String) entry.get(key))
            .aggregate(new CountTask(basicMetricTags, windowInMinutes))

All the watermark metics shows No Watermark How can I let Flink to ignore that no watermark thing?


  • FYI, this is commonly referred to as the "idle source" problem. This occurs because whenever a Flink operator has two or more inputs, its watermark is the minimum of the watermarks from its inputs. If one of those inputs stalls, its watermark no longer advances.

    Note that Flink does not have per-key watermarking -- a given operator is typically multiplexed across events for many keys. So long as some events are flowing through a given task's input streams, its watermark will advance, and event time timers for idle keys will still fire. For this "idle source" problem to occur, a task has to have an input stream that has become completely idle.

    If you can arrange for it, the best solution is to have your data sources include keepalive events. This will allow you to advance your watermarks with confidence, knowing that the source is simply idle, rather than, for example, offline.

    If that's not possible, and if you have some sources that aren't idle, then you could put a rebalance() in front of the BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor (and before the keyBy), so that every instance continues to receive some events and can advance its watermark. This comes at the expense of an extra network shuffle.

    Perhaps the most commonly used solution is to use a watermark generator that detects idleness and artificially advances the watermark based on a processing time timer. ProcessingTimeTrailingBoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor is an example of that.