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unexpected infinite loop in c++

I'm working in a project and the task is to make the signup function so when I try several test cases in password function I got stuck in an infinite loop when I try to type an invalid password without giving me a chance to retype the password. Thanks in advance...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#define size 40
int main(){
    bool flag = true;
    while (flag){
        bool flagS = false, flagN = false; int count = 0;
        char password[size] = { 0 };
        cout << "Type your Password .....\n Note :: Must be more than 8 characters including at least one number and one special character...\n";
        cin.get(password, size);
        count = strlen(password);
        for (int z = 0; z < count; z++){
            if (password[z] >= 48 && password[z] <= 57)
                flagN = 1;
            if ((password[z] >= 33 && password[z] <= 47) || (password[z] >= 58 && password[z] <= 64))
                flagS = 1;

        if ((flagS == 1) && (flagN == 1) && (count >= 8))
            cout << "Valide Password ...\nCongrats!! created a NEW account.." << endl;
            flag = false;
            cout << "invalide password..\nPlease try again..\n";
            flag = true;


  • You must write cin inside of while loop. And this will fix your problem:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <stdio.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define size 40
    int main(){
        bool flag = true;
        bool flagS = false, flagN = false; int count = 0;
        char password[size] = { 0 };
        cout << "Type your Password .....\n Note :: Must be more than 8 characters including at least one number and one special character...\n";
        while (cin >> password && flag){
            count = strlen(password);
            for (int z = 0; z < count; z++){
                if (password[z] >= 48 && password[z] <= 57)
                    flagN = true;
                if ((password[z] >= 33 && password[z] <= 47) || (password[z] >= 58 && password[z] <= 64))
                    flagS = true;
            if ((flagS) && (flagN) && (count >= 8))
                cout << "Valide Password ...\nCongrats!! created a NEW account.." << endl;
                flag = false;
                cout << "invalide password..\nPlease try again..\n" << "Type your Password .....\n Note :: Must be more than 8 characters including at least one number and one special character...\n";;
                flag = true;