I am trying to automate Instagram follow button clicks when you click on a user's username on the Instagram website.
Upon clicking the username, you then click followers and a window opens containing the people following this person and there are follow buttons
Here's a screenshot of the new window
I am trying to click the buttons one by one through python selenium but nothing I try seems to work.
The best I got was a for loop that only clicked the first follow button using xpath but the other buttons were not clicked.
#click the followers button to dispaly the users followers
#scroll through the followers list to a specified heeight
last_ht, ht=0, 1
while last_ht !=ht:
ht=driver.execute_script("""arguments[0].scrollTo(0, 2000);
return 2000;
""", scroll_box)
#follow users up to the specified height
for x in range (0,len(follow)):
Your Xpath selector seems to be copied straight from the chrome developer tools and BTW it will only return one button as you are targeting one li
# Get all buttons that has the text Follow
buttons = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//button[contains(.,'Follow')]")
for btn in buttons:
# Use the Java script to click on follow because after the scroll down the buttons will be un clickeable unless you go to it's location
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", btn)