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SwiftUI Sort array of custom objects by id

//Person Struct

struct Person {
            var id: Int
            var age: Int
            var nPerson: [Person]

// Array type of Person

 var persons = [

        Person(id: 123, age: 23, nPerson: []),
        Person(id: 421, age: 45, nPerson: [

            Person(id: 100, age: 13, nPerson: [
            Person(id: 5, age: 23, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 112, age: 89, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 42, age: 33, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 112, age: 73, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 126, age: 23, nPerson: []),


        Person(id: 343, age: 5, nPerson: [

            Person(id: 22, age: 109, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 421, age: 102, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 141, age: 12, nPerson: []),
            Person(id: 136, age: 54, nPerson: []),



I have an object Person inside of person I have id and nPerson, and that nPerson is a type of Person. I want to sort array by the id also that sort would work inside the nPerson array.


  • You can use Swift in-build sort function to archive this.

    let sortedPersons = persons.sorted {$ < $}.map { (person) -> Person in
             var tempPerson = person
             let shortednPersons = (person.nPerson).sorted { $ < $ }
             tempPerson.nPerson = shortednPersons
             return tempPerson