After checking some related posts with SQlite3 and how to enabling extensions, I found myself with no answer to my needs and, desesperately, I am asking you guys here.
I am using Python 3.7 in an specific pipenv environment (I think those are venv environments). The Python path within the env is: /home/my_user/.local/share/virtualenvs/my_current_env/lib/python3.7
The code:
with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn:
The error:
AttributeError: 'sqlite3.Connection' object has no attribute 'enable_load_extension'
The solutions I have tried so far:
(i) Go to the main Py37 installation and change the and replace: SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION for SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION I couldn't find a file in the pipenv environment Python path... Didn't work
(ii) Try generating a cursor of SQlite and from the cursor, executing the extension:
res=cursor.execute("SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION');", "")
Didn't work either: The error:
ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 0, and there are 17 supplied.
I am new to SQlite and quite bad in Python, my target is to activate a database with Spatialite. Please your help will be much appreciated.
Best and lot of health, Joueswant
I think your question is answered across GIS Stack Exchange, I try to summarize how you should achieve it working:
sqlite> .load ''
So to cope with the problem, you would in Ubuntu's case do:
sudo apt install libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
Then run this set of commands
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
And this just works for me. Presonally I think you are just missing the package installed.