I am trying to calculate the value of the function EX_A0 for each row of df and add it as a new column but i get "longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length" error. When i filter out a row and do it for just one row, there is no error. Result of EX_A0 for both rows are numeric and has just one dimension. I don't understand why i get this error. I would appreciate your help. Here is my code:
EQ_A0 <- function(S_a, lambda_a, c){
integrate(integrand2, 0, 30, S_a, lambda_a, c, subdivisions=2000, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^.05)$value
integrand2 <- function(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c){
exp(log(tau)+h_A0(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c))
h_A0 <- function(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c){
dgamma(tau, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, log = TRUE) - pgamma(30, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(cc=c(0.06329820, 0.05141647), ya=c(31, 256), Sa=c(31,256), yb=c(2865, 742), Sb=c(2993, 1348))
df %>%
mutate(asd=EQ_A0(Sa, 350, cc))
The following worked but i still don't understand why mutate does not work.
mapply(EQ_A0, df$Sa, lambda_a, df$cc)
cbind(df,f = mapply(EQ_A0, df$Sa, 350, df$cc) )
The problem is that EQ_A0
is not a vectorized function for the parameters S_a
and cc
. The warning (not an error)
Warning message:
In dgamma(tau, shape = S_a, scale = lambda_a * c, log = TRUE) - :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
is raised inside h_A0
and related to the fact that S_a
and cc
are length 2-vectors instead of scalars (You can check this by adding a browser()
As I already mentioned in my comment the result of dgamma(tau, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, log = TRUE)
is a vector of length 21
, while the result of pgamma(30, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p=TRUE)
is a vector of length 2
. Hence, when substracting the last from the first R
raises the warning as 21
(the length of the longer object) is not a multiple of 2
(the length of the shorter object). R
still performs the computation but gives you a false result.
Also, this is not related to mutate
, which you can check using EQ_A0(df$Sa, 350, df$cc)
(This is what you are trying to do with mutate
To solve this issue you have loop over the rows of parameters in your dataframe with map2_dbl
(the equivalent to mapply(EQ_A0, df$Sa, lambda_a, df$cc)
) or using rowwise
EQ_A0 <- function(S_a, lambda_a, c){
integrate(integrand2, 0, 30, S_a, lambda_a, c, subdivisions=2000, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^.05)$value
integrand2 <- function(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c){
exp(log(tau)+h_A0(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c))
h_A0 <- function(tau, S_a, lambda_a, c){
dgamma(tau, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, log = TRUE) - pgamma(30, shape=S_a, scale = lambda_a*c, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(cc=c(0.06329820, 0.05141647), ya=c(31, 256), Sa=c(31,256), yb=c(2865, 742), Sb=c(2993, 1348))
# Solution 1: use map2_dbl to loop over parameters
df %>%
mutate(asd = map2_dbl(Sa, cc, ~ EQ_A0(.x, 350, .y)))
#> cc ya Sa yb Sb asd
#> 1 0.06329820 31 31 2865 2993 29.02379
#> 2 0.05141647 256 256 742 1348 29.88251
# Solution 1: use rowwise to loop over parameters
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(asd=EQ_A0(Sa, 350, cc)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 x 6
#> cc ya Sa yb Sb asd
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.0633 31 31 2865 2993 29.0
#> 2 0.0514 256 256 742 1348 29.9
Created on 2020-04-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)