I have rails 5 based api app, using fast_jsonapi
and after a while I observe that all most all my actions are having one common pattern
def action_name
@some_object.perform_action_name # this returns @some_object
render json: ControllerNameSerializer.new(@some_object).to_h
I do not wish to write the last render
line here and it should work, for that I want that the returned value by the action should be processed by any hidden responder like thing, Serializer klass can be made out looking at controller name.
Perhaps this could be achieved by adding a small middleware. However at first, I find it not a good idea/practise to go for a middleware. In middleware, we do get rendered response, we need a hook prior to that.
I would imagine like
class SomeController ...
def action_name
@some_object.perform_action_name # this returns @some_object
Any suggestions?
Note, do not worry about error/failure cases, @some_object.errors
could hold them and I have a mechanism to handle that separately.
Sketched out...
class ApplicationController < ...
def respond_with_returned_value
include MyWrapperModule
module MyWrapperModule
def self.included(base)
base.public_instance_methods.each do |method_name|
original_method_name = "original_#{method_name}".to_sym
rename method_name -> original_method_name
define_method(method_name) { render json: send(original_method_name) }
Seems like there really should be some blessed way to do this - or like someone must have already done it.