Well, I'm trying to implement the copy_and_swap idiom on my first Stack in C++, for that I need to create a swap function and this swap function needs to be a friend function, I tried to do it by this way:
template <class T>
class Stack {
int top;
T* a;
int MAX;
Stack(int MAX);
Stack(Stack<T>& s);
bool push(T x);
bool pop();
T peek();
bool isEmpty();
friend void swap(Stack<T>& f, Stack<T>& s);
template <class T>
void Stack<T>::swap(Stack<T>& f, Stack<T>& s){
//I will put something where yet.
But, the VSCode says this about the swap function: class model "Stack " does not have a "swap" member (I translate for English, my VSCode runs in Portuguese).
How I can do that without receiving this error?
Your friend function is not template, so to define outside, you would have to define the non template function for each type (which seems impracticable):
void swap(Stack<int>& lhs, Stack<int>& rhs){/*..*/}
void swap(Stack<char>& lhs, Stack<char>& rhs){/*..*/}
void swap(Stack<MyType>& lhs, Stack<MyType>& rhs){/*..*/}
Simpler (and better IMO) is to define inside the class.
template <class T>
class Stack {
// ...
friend void swap(Stack& lhs, Stack& rhs) { /*..*/ };
Alternative is to make the friend function template:
template <class T> class Stack;
template <class T> void swap(Stack<T>&, Stack<T>&);
template <class T>
class Stack {
// ...
friend void swap<>(Stack& f, Stack& s); // Only the specialization is friend
template <class T>
void swap(Stack<T>& lhs, Stack<T>& rhs){ /**/ }