My goal is to create a new column "HoLj" in df1 that is the -ln of "hr" from df2 if the corresponding age in df1, matches the age2 in df2.
df1<- data.frame(age = c("1","2","4","5","7","8"), dif = c("y", "n", "y", "n","n","y")
df2<- data.frame(age2=c("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"),hr=c(56, 57, 23, 46, 45, 19, 21, 79)
My goals is to create a new column in df1 that looks like below:
age dif hoLj
1 y -ln(56)
2 n -ln(57)
4 y -ln(46)
5 n -ln(45)
7 n -ln(21)
8 y -ln(79)
Thank you!
We can do a join and then get the natural log
left_join(df1, df2) %>%
mutate(hoLj = -log(hr)) %>%
Or with data.table
setDT(df1)[df2, hoLj := -log(hr), on = .(age)]
# age dif hoLj
#1: 1 y -4.025352
#2: 2 n -4.043051
#3: 4 y -3.828641
#4: 5 n -3.806662
#5: 7 n -3.044522
#6: 8 y -4.369448