I am working with two matrices and my idea is using the LASSO methodology with subsamples. In order to do this, I write the following code:
iv_vardos<-matrix(1:3500, ncol = 30, nrow=3500)
colnames(iv_vardos)<-c("ReV_d_NSW","ReV_w_NSW","ReV_m_NSW","ReV_d_QLD" ,"ReV_w_QLD","ReV_m_QLD",
"ReCov_w_QLD_NSW", "ReCov_m_QLD_NSW", "ReCov_d_SA_NSW", "ReCov_w_SA_NSW", "ReCov_m_SA_NSW", "ReCov_d_SA_QLD",
"ReCov_d_VIC_NSW", "ReCov_w_VIC_NSW", "ReCov_m_VIC_NSW", "ReCov_d_VIC_QLD", "ReCov_w_VIC_QLD", "ReCov_m_VIC_QLD")
dv_vardos<-matrix(3501:7000, ncol = 10, nrow=3500)
space <- 3490
#With the following code I want to estimate 10 LASSO coefficients with 10 different samples.
Dinamic_betas<-array(NA, c(10, 30, (nrow(iv_vardos)-space)))
for (i in 1:dim(Dinamic_betas)[3]) {
cv <- cv.glmnet(iv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], dv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], alpha = 1, family = "mgaussian")
LASSO_estimation<- glmnet(iv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], dv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], alpha = 1, lambda = cv$lambda.min, family = "mgaussian")
#My problem starts here when I want to store the LASSO coefficients. The object LASSO_estimation is a list of different objects.
#The most important for me is beta. A list which contains the betas estimated after use LASSO methodology
for (j in 1:Dinamic_betas[3]) {
With this code I want to create an array 10x30x10, but each time that I run the code I have the following error:
Error in 1:Dinamic_betas[3] : NA/NaN argument
Ok I think I get what you are trying to do. You can collect all the coefficients by using do.call to bind the coefficients. Then it's a matter of slotting them into the array you have created:
Dinamic_betas<-array(NA, c(10, 30, (nrow(iv_vardos)-space)))
for (i in 1:dim(Dinamic_betas)[3]) {
cv <- cv.glmnet(iv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),],
dv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], alpha = 1, family = "mgaussian")
LASSO_estimation<- glmnet(iv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),], dv_vardos[i:(space+i-1),],
alpha = 1, lambda = cv$lambda.min, family = "mgaussian")
coefs <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind,LASSO_estimation$beta))
colnames(coefs) <- names(LASSO_estimation$beta)
Dinamic_betas[,,i] <- t(coefs)
Just a suggestion, you can try using list to store your coefficients and also use something like purrr to iterate through.. Arrays are a bit inflexible sometimes.