I have called trigger function inside initState function.In trigger function i will be taking data from an API and i parsed the data using storeddata.fromjson function. Then afterwards i will store those values in variables. As far as i know initState function will be called as soon as object of this statefull widget is created. But still in app, it will show exchangeval_bitcoin as 0 for some seconds and then it will get updated(I have initialized exchangeval_bitcoin as 0). does that mean build function will be called even before completion of initState function even after putting await keyword ? And how can i implement loading screen until that value is updated ?
void triggerfun() async {
var decodedmap;
Jsonparse p = Jsonparse(url: uri);
decodedmap = await p.cryptocovert();
Storeddata s = Storeddata.fromjson(decodedmap);
setState(() {
exchangeval_bitcoin = s.getdataforbitcoin();
exchangeval_etherium = s.getdataforetherium();
exchangeval_litecoin = s.getdataforlitecoin();
permanent = s;
//calling initstate
void initState() {
Thanks in advance.
triggerfun() is an asynchronous function. So in your initState(), it's going to call triggerfun(), but still continue with the rest of your program. When trigger function is finished, it will set state and rebuild the widget.
The await keyword will stop the program until that line is finished, but triggerfun() as a whole is still asynchronous.