can somebody explain this behavior to me? In R, if list l[[i]] contains only one element, selectizeinput shows only the column-name instead of the element. It doesn't include the column name if there are more elements.
In the console the behavior is also different between these 2:
> l[[1]][,'value']
"some string"
> l[[2]][,'value2']
[1] "more string" "other string"
l <- c()
value <- "some string"
id <- "1"
df <- cbind(id,value)
l[[1]] <- df
value2 <- c("more string", "other string")
id2 <- c("2","3")
df2 <- cbind(id2,value2)
l[[2]] <- df2
ui <- fluidPage(
selectizeInput("input", "selectize 1", l[[1]][,'value'], multiple=TRUE),
selectizeInput("input2", "selectize 2", l[[2]][,'value2'], multiple=TRUE),
server <- function(input,output){
output$out <- renderText({
output$out2 <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I am not sure about the full details of why this happens but your first matrix stored it's value as Named chr instead of a chr as seen here:
> str(l[[1]][, 'value'])
Named chr "some string"
- attr(*, "names")= chr "value"
> str(l[[2]][, 'value2'])
chr [1:2] "more string" "other string"
You can solve this issue by reading the first matrix as a vector which will look like this in the ui:
selectizeInput("input", "selectize 1", as.vector(l[[1]][,'value']), multiple=TRUE),