Search code examples

How can i clear the typeahead input with Jquery?

The html part in my test case is

    <div class="typeahead__container">
         <div class="typeahead__field">
             <div class="typeahead__query">
                  <input class="txtSearchProduct" id="txtSearchProduct" autocomplete="off" tabindex="8">

While using this jquery typeahad library, like so... (demo's here)

            input: '.txtSearchProduct',
            minLength: 0,
            maxItem: 15,
            order: "asc",
            hint: true,
            href: "",
            searchOnFocus: true,
            emptyTemplate: 'No results found "{{query}}"',
            display: ["id", "code", "name", "table"],
            template: "{{name}}<small style='color:#999;'>{{code}}</small>",
            source: {
                "Products": {
                    ajax: {
                        url: "/search/product",
                        path: ""
            callback: {
                onClickAfter: function (node, a, item, event) {
                        type: "POST",
                        url: "/controller/add/" +,
                        success: function (data) {

                        error: function (data) {

                        done: function () {




            debug: true

I have issues in clearing the input after selection.

On the callback event i tried to clear the value by using

$('#txtSearchProduct').typeahead('val', '');

or even with

$('.typeahead').typeahead('txtSearchProduct', '');

but any of these works as expected. It seems that the event that was raised upon selecting the input, does not raise any more.

Update While using $("#txtSearchProduct").val("") the input is cleared, but again it partially works unless i click on the close button.

enter image description here


  • Update: after reading the documentation more carefully I've found:

    Triggering manual Typeahead events

    Each of the Typeahead events can be controlled by script and not only by user interaction. They all require a set of condition to be executed. The exact conditions can be tracked down inside the delegateEvents() function.

    // Events
    // Trigger a manual search from the string inside the input
    // See #Game_v3 demo to understand why it is being used at that place

    The documentation is not thorough. There is nothing about propertychange.typeahead event except for its name, and about "set of condition to be executed". So I still can't say with a 100% certainty, but this also should work (works on the demo page):


    And it doesn't break encapsulation.

    Original answer: I don't see anything about your case in the documentation. But in the source code of Typeahead you can see this:

    $("<span/>", {
        class: this.options.selector.cancelButton,
        html: "×",
        mousedown: function (e) {
           // Don't blur the input
           scope.node.trigger("input" + scope.namespace, [e]);

    where scope is Typeahead object for the input. So, I tried this:

    const typeahead_for_input = window.Typeahead[".js-typeahead-country_v1"]
        // clears input and reset some internal variabales
    typeahead_for_input.node.trigger("input" + typeahead_for_input.namespace, []) // no event
        // Hides "cancel" button, and maybe a lot more - haven't looked into

    in the browser console on the demo page, and it worked fine, as far as I could notice. In your case you should access Typeahead object of your input with this:

    const typeahead_for_input = window.Typeahead[".txtSearchProduct"]

    Of cause, this approach breaks encapsulation. But either this or you should ask for a feature from the authors off Typeahead and wait. Because just clearing the input value is not enough - you need to correctly clear the state of a Typeahead object.

    Another way: or you can just simulate keyboard events. Set focus on the input and send one <Esc>, that should do it.