As the title, I want to batch insert data to hive table by spring NamedParameterJbbcTemplate, it can work as follows:
SqlParameterSource[] batchParameterSources = SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(batchValues);
template.batchUpdate("insert into table(a, b, c) values(:a, :b, :c)", batchParameterSources);
But, above sql can't assign the partition, use sql
"insert overwrite table partition(date = '2020-04-02') values (:a, :b, :c)"
spring will throw the SQLFeatureNotSupportException: Method not supported.
So how can I use spring jdbc template to batch insert data to a hive table with the special partition?
Looking forward your answer, Thanks very much!
I research the Spring tutorial and not find about batch insert to hive table with a special partition.
So I use the native hive driver.
You can code as follow:
try {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("hiveserver", "username", "password");
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
boolean result = statement.execute("insert overwrite table table_name partition(dt = 'date') values (valueA), (valueB), (valueC)");
if (!result) {"write data successfully");
insert overwrite table_name partition(dt='date') values (valueA), (valueB)...
insert into table_name partition(dt='date') values (valueC), (valueD)...