Search code examples

Force flutter_google_places to only display cities when using GooglePlacesAutocompleteWidget

I'm using the flutter_google_places widget to search for cities.

I've tried the AutoComplete example given with the widget and it works perfectly. But when I type "Paris" for example, I get many results of places in Paris (Paris, Paris Airport, Paris Expo, etc.).

I only need cities within my App. So for example, when typing "Paris", I would only want "Paris (France), Paris (Texas), Paris (Tennessee), etc.

I haven't found how to apply the "cities" filter.

Here is the equivalent in Javascript :

var input = document.getElementById('searchField');
var options = {
    types: ['(cities)']

autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);

Any idea?


  • If you are using this example:

    Should do

          : super(
              apiKey: kGoogleApiKey,
              sessionToken: Uuid().generateV4(),
              language: "en",
              components: [Component(, "uk")],
              types: ["(cities)"], // or cities