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How to create a new function from another function using reflection

Using this code as a template

package main

import "fmt"

type myStruct struct {
    Value int

type counter int

func newFuncHandler(fn func(myStruct) error) (interface{}, *counter) {
    count := counter(0)

    newFn := func(e myStruct) error {
        count = count + 1
        return fn(e)

    return newFn, &count

func main() {
    fn := func(d myStruct) error {
        // doing some stuff
        return nil

    handle, c := newFuncHandler(fn)
    handleFn := handle.(func(d myStruct) error)

    handleFn(myStruct{Value: 2})
    handleFn(myStruct{Value: 2})
    handleFn(myStruct{Value: 2})
    handleFn(myStruct{Value: 2})
    handleFn(myStruct{Value: 2})

    fmt.Println(*c) // 5

how to modify newFuncHandler so that it, given a function with unknown signature, returns a function with the same signature but with additional code for the function body. newFuncHandler should not know of the myStruct type

For example

func newFuncHandler(fn interface{}) (interface{}, *counter) {
    count := counter(0)
    // some reflection magic

    // newFn has the same signature as fn (hardcoded in this case)
    newFn := func(e myStruct) error {
        // add custom code 
        count = count + 1

        // call the original fn
        return fn(e)

    return newFn, &count


  • Use reflect.MakeFunc to make a function. Use Value.Call to call a function.

    func newFuncHandler(v interface{}) (interface{}, *counter) {
        count := counter(0)
        fn := reflect.ValueOf(v)
        newFn := reflect.MakeFunc(fn.Type(), func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
            count = count + 1
            return fn.Call(args)
        return newFn.Interface(), &count

    Run it on the playground.