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Dynamic query results into a temp table or table variable

I have a stored procedure that uses sp_executesql to generate a result set, the number of columns in the result can vary but will be in the form of Col1 Col2 Col3 etc.

I need to get the result into a temp table or table variable so I can work with it. The problem is I need to define the columns of the temp table, which I cant do dynamically using sp_executesql as the scope of the temp table is lost after the command is executed.

I have toyed with the idea of using Global Temp tables, as the scope allows it to be created dynamically, however, there is a very good chance the Global Temps would get updated by the concurrent executions of this process.

Any ideas?


  • I have found a solution that works for me with the help of @SQLMenace in this post T-SQL Dynamic SQL and Temp Tables

    In short, I need to create a #temp table in normal SQL first, then I can alter the structure using further dynamic SQL statements. In this example @colcount is set to 6. This will be determined by another stored proc when I implement this.

    IF object_id('tempdb..#myTemp') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #myTemp
    CREATE TABLE #myTemp (id int IDENTITY(1,1) )
    DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @colcount int
    SET @colcount = 6
    DECLARE @counter int
    SET @counter = 0
    WHILE @counter < @colcount
          SET @counter = @counter + 1
          SET @cmd = 'ALTER TABLE #myTemp  ADD col' + CAST(@counter AS varchar(4)) + ' NVARCHAR(MAX)'
    INSERT INTO #myTemp 
    EXEC myProc @param1, @param2, @param3
    SELECT * FROM #myTemp