I am trying to use case_when
in shiny application in order to build an app, showing the preview of some selection policy expressed as a set of rules.
In the app, user can input expressions in case_when
syntax, e.g.:
cond = "Age > 40 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0"
and they should be substituted in case_when
I am looking at rlang
and trying to figure out how to get an expression from a character vector, e.g.
tibble::tribble(~Age,23,26,32,50,51,52,25,49,34,54) %>%
mutate(result = case_when(!!!quos(syms(cond))))
but, apparently, fail to get it right
How about with parse_exprs
cond <- "Age > 40 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0"
cond <- gsub(",",";",cond)
repdata %>% mutate(result = case_when(!!!rlang::parse_exprs(cond)))
## A tibble: 10 x 2
# Age result
# <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 23 0
# 2 26 0
# 3 32 0
# 4 50 1
# 5 51 1
# 6 52 1
# 7 25 0
# 8 49 1
# 9 34 0
#10 54 1
This is required because parse_expr
returns one expression, whereas case_when
requires 2 or more expressions (separated by commas in code) to have 2 cases. Meanwhile, parse_exprs
returns 2 or more expressions, but it splits expressions on ;
repdata <- tibble::tribble(~Age,23,26,32,50,51,52,25,49,34,54)