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How to send action with AsterNET, C#?

I'm working with AsterNET and C#, I need to get the status of all the extensions, specifically the result of Action: ExtensionStateList but the library doesn't have this action, I'm trying to create it but I can't get it. I hope someone can guide me. Attached is the code.

    ResponseEvents re;
        re = manager.SendEventGeneratingAction(new ExtensionStateListAction());
    catch (EventTimeoutException e)
        re = e.PartialResult;
    foreach (ManagerEvent e in re.Events)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> d in e.Attributes)

using System;
using AsterNET.Manager.Event;
namespace AsterNET.Manager.Action
    public class ExtensionStateListAction : ManagerActionEvent

        public override string Action
            get { return "ExtensionStateList"; }

        public override Type ActionCompleteEventClass()
            return typeof (ExtensionStateListCompleteEvent);

namespace AsterNET.Manager.Event
    public class ExtensionStateListCompleteEvent : ResponseEvent
        private int listItems;

        public int ListItems
            get { return this.listItems; }
            set { this.listItems = value; }

        public ExtensionStateListCompleteEvent(ManagerConnection source) 
            : base(source)


  • Result of this command will come in set of events "ExtensionState" and final "ExtensionStateCompleate"

    It will be asyncronous.

    You should setup event listener and parse that.