I have an async
function that needs to make a POST
request, but some of the data must be fetched from the server first:
async createObject() {
// HTTP request #1: dep1 is needed for the second request
const dep1 = await this.http.get("/urlA")
// Create the request object out of dep1 and some additional values
const req = mkCreateParams(this.name, dep1);
// HTTP request #2: Build something
const res = await this.http.post("/urlB")
// When everything is done: Navigate away
return res;
I use the following code to test this:
const httpTesting = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);
const req = testInstance.createObject();
.flush({ /* ... SNIP ... */);
const generatedId = "f9f64792-0ceb-4e3c-ae7b-4c7a8af6a552";
.expectOne({ method: "POST", url: "/urlB" })
.flush({ id: generatedId });
const res = await req;
This fails immediatly when expecting /urlB
and doesn't even reach the line where res
is resolved. The error message is as follows:
Expected one matching request for criteria "Match method: POST, URL: /urlB", found none.
This seems to be because a request must have been already issued when calling HttpTestingController.expectOne()
. As promises are resolved eagerly in JavaScript, the first request has already been made but the second request not.
Is there a way to tell the Angular HttpTestingController
to relax a little and wait for the request to come by some time later? The existance of HttpTestingController.verify
hints at this, but I have no idea how to get into a state where it would be useful.
I think waiting for the promises can help you, try fixture.whenStable()
it('your title here', async done => {
const httpTesting = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);
const req = testInstance.createObject();
.flush({ /* ... SNIP ... */);
await fixture.whenStable(); // wait for the pending promises to resolve before proceeding
const generatedId = "f9f64792-0ceb-4e3c-ae7b-4c7a8af6a552";
.expectOne({ method: "POST", url: "/urlB" })
.flush({ id: generatedId });
await fixture.whenStable(); // wait for the pending promises to resolve before proceeding
const res = await req;
// call done to let Jasmine know you're done with this test