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Cannot deploy trained model to Google Cloud Ai-Platform with custom prediction routine: Model requires more memory than allowed

I am trying to deploy a pretrained pytorch model to AI Platform with a custom prediction routine. After following the instructions described here the deployment fails with the following error:

ERROR: ( Create Version failed. Bad model detected with error: Model requires more memory than allowed. Please try to decrease the model size and re-deploy. If you continue to have error, please contact Cloud ML.

The contents of the model folder are 83.89 MB large and are below the 250 MB limit that's described in the documentation. The only files in the folder are the checkpoint file (.pth) for the model and the tarball required for the custom prediction routine.

Command to create the model:

gcloud beta ai-platform versions create pose_pytorch --model pose --runtime-version 1.15 --python-version 3.5 --origin gs://rcg-models/pytorch_pose_estimation --package-uris gs://rcg-models/pytorch_pose_estimation/my_custom_code-0.1.tar.gz --prediction-class predictor.MyPredictor

Changing the runtime version to 1.14 leads to the same error. I have tried changing the --machine-type argument to mls1-c4-m2 like Parth suggested but I still get the same error.

The file that generates my_custom_code-0.1.tar.gz looks like this:

    install_requires=["opencv-python", "torch"]

Relevant code snippet from the predictor:

    def __init__(self, model):
        """Stores artifacts for prediction. Only initialized via `from_path`.
        self._model = model
        self._client = storage.Client()

    def from_path(cls, model_dir):
        """Creates an instance of MyPredictor using the given path.

        This loads artifacts that have been copied from your model directory in
        Cloud Storage. MyPredictor uses them during prediction.

            model_dir: The local directory that contains the trained Keras
                model and the pickled preprocessor instance. These are copied
                from the Cloud Storage model directory you provide when you
                deploy a version resource.

            An instance of `MyPredictor`.

        net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet()
        checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "checkpoint_iter_370000.pth")
        checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location='cpu')
        load_state(net, checkpoint)

        return cls(net)

Additionally I have enabled logging for the model in AI Platform and I get the following outputs:

2019-12-17T09:28:06.208537Z OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system, assuming 256k 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474653Z WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/ml/prediction/frameworks/ The name tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING is deprecated. Please use tf.saved_model.SERVING instead. 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474680Z {"textPayload":"","insertId":"5df89fad00073e383ced472a","resource":{"type":"cloudml_model_version","labels":{"project_id":"rcg-shopper","region":"","version_id":"lightweight_pose_pytorch","model_id":"pose"}},"timestamp":"2019-12-17T09:28:13.474680Z","logName":"projects/rcg-shopper/logs/ml.googleapis… 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474807Z WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/ml/prediction/frameworks/ The name tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY is deprecated. Please use tf.saved_model.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY instead. 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474829Z {"textPayload":"","insertId":"5df89fad00073ecd4836d6aa","resource":{"type":"cloudml_model_version","labels":{"project_id":"rcg-shopper","region":"","version_id":"lightweight_pose_pytorch","model_id":"pose"}},"timestamp":"2019-12-17T09:28:13.474829Z","logName":"projects/rcg-shopper/logs/ml.googleapis… 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474918Z WARNING:tensorflow: 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474927Z The TensorFlow contrib module will not be included in TensorFlow 2.0. 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474934Z For more information, please see: 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474941Z   * 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474951Z   * 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474958Z   * (for I/O related ops) 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474964Z If you depend on functionality not listed there, please file an issue. 
2019-12-17T09:28:13.474999Z {"textPayload":"","insertId":"5df89fad00073f778735d7c3","resource":{"type":"cloudml_model_version","labels":{"version_id":"lightweight_pose_pytorch","model_id":"pose","project_id":"rcg-shopper","region":""}},"timestamp":"2019-12-17T09:28:13.474999Z","logName":"projects/rcg-shopper/logs/ml.googleapis… 
2019-12-17T09:28:15.283483Z ERROR:root:Failed to import GA GRPC module. This is OK if the runtime version is 1.x 
2019-12-17T09:28:16.890923Z Copying gs://cml-489210249453-1560169483791188/models/pose/lightweight_pose_pytorch/15316451609316207868/user_code/my_custom_code-0.1.tar.gz... 
2019-12-17T09:28:16.891150Z / [0 files][    0.0 B/  8.4 KiB]                                                 
2019-12-17T09:28:17.007684Z / [1 files][  8.4 KiB/  8.4 KiB]                                                 
2019-12-17T09:28:17.009154Z Operation completed over 1 objects/8.4 KiB.                                       
2019-12-17T09:28:18.953923Z Processing /tmp/custom_code/my_custom_code-0.1.tar.gz 
2019-12-17T09:28:19.808897Z Collecting opencv-python 
2019-12-17T09:28:19.868579Z   Downloading (28.3MB) 
2019-12-17T09:28:21.537989Z Collecting torch 
2019-12-17T09:28:21.552871Z   Downloading (734.6MB) 
2019-12-17T09:28:52.401619Z Collecting numpy>=1.14.5 
2019-12-17T09:28:52.412714Z   Downloading (20.0MB) 
2019-12-17T09:28:53.550662Z Building wheels for collected packages: my-custom-code 
2019-12-17T09:28:53.550689Z   Building wheel for my-custom-code ( started 
2019-12-17T09:28:54.212558Z   Building wheel for my-custom-code ( finished with status 'done' 
2019-12-17T09:28:54.215365Z   Created wheel for my-custom-code: filename=my_custom_code-0.1-cp37-none-any.whl size=7791 sha256=fd9ecd472a6a24335fd24abe930a4e7d909e04bdc4cf770989143d92e7023f77 
2019-12-17T09:28:54.215482Z   Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-i7sb0bmb/wheels/0d/6e/ba/bbee16521304fc5b017fa014665b9cae28da7943275a3e4b89 
2019-12-17T09:28:54.222017Z Successfully built my-custom-code 
2019-12-17T09:28:54.650218Z Installing collected packages: numpy, opencv-python, torch, my-custom-code 


  • This is a common problem and we understand this is a pain point. Please do the following:

    1. torchvision has torch as dependency and by default, it pulls torch from pypi.

    When deploying the model, even if you point to use custom ai-platform torchvision packages it will do it, since torchvision when is built by PyTorch team, it is configured to use torch as dependency. This torch dependency from pypi, gives a 720mb file because it includes the GPU units

    1. To solve #1, you need to build torchvision from source and tell torchvision where you want to get torch from, you need to set it to go to the torch website as the package is smaller. Rebuild the torchvision binary using Python PEP-0440 direct references feature. In torchvision we have:
    pytorch_dep = 'torch'
    if os.getenv('PYTORCH_VERSION'):
        pytorch_dep += "==" + os.getenv('PYTORCH_VERSION')

    Update in torchvision to use direct references feature:

    requirements = [
         'torch @'

    * I already did this for you*, so I build 3 wheel files you can use:

    gs://dpe-sandbox/torchvision-0.4.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl (torch 1.2.0, vision 0.4.0)
    gs://dpe-sandbox/torchvision-0.4.2-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl (torch 1.2.0, vision 0.4.2)
    gs://dpe-sandbox/torchvision-0.5.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl (torch 1.4.0  vision 0.5.0)

    These torchvision packages will get torch from the torch site instead of pypi: (Example:

    1. Update your model when deploying the model to AI Platform so it does not include torch nor torchvision.

    2. Redeploy the model as follows:

    gcloud beta ai-platform versions create {MODEL_VERSION} --model={MODEL_NAME} \
                --origin=gs://{BUCKET}/{GCS_MODEL_DIR} \
                --python-version=3.7 \
                --runtime-version={RUNTIME_VERSION} \
                --machine-type=mls1-c4-m4 \

    You can change the PYTORCH_VISION_PACKAGE to any of the options I mentioned in #2