Assuming that I have an arbitrary control inside a DataGridTemplateColumn, I wish to know how to get the control, given that I have retrieved the DataGridCell which contains that control.
My XAML file containing the DataGrid is as follows:
<DataGrid Name="dgMovement">
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Target %">
<vi:PercentageEditor Value="{Binding TargetPercentage, Mode=TwoWay,
UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Width="100px"
cal:Message.Attach="[Event PreviewLostKeyboardFocus] = [Action ChangeTargetPercentage];[Event PreviewGotKeyboardFocus] = [Action OnFocus]"
Name="aa" />
I retrieved the DataGridCell using extension methods as follows:
DataGridCell cell = view.dgMovement2.GetCell(index, 6);
The extension methods, contained in a static class is found here
The question is, how to I retrieve the "PercentageEditor", once I got the DataGridCell? Can anybody help me? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can use the name of the control to find it in the template, e.g.
<uc:Bogus x:Name="root" ItemsSource="{Binding Machines}"/>
var cell = dataGrid.GetCell(5, 0);
var cp = (ContentPresenter)cell.Content;
var bogus = (Bogus)cp.ContentTemplate.FindName("root", cp);
Note however that this usually should not be necessary as modifying templated controls for the most part can be done using data binding, attached properties and events alone. In general i would restrict template access via code to custom controls (which often have designated parts).