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Flutter Instance member ‘{0}’ can’t be accessed using static access

I am passing variables from one activity to another in flutter but getting the error "Instance member ‘latitude’ can’t be accessed using static access" I need it converted in that block so I can assign it to a static URL.

class Xsecond extends StatefulWidget {
  final double latitude;
  final double longitude;
  Xsecond(this.latitude, this.longitude, {Key key}): super(key: key);

  _Xsecond createState() => _Xsecond();

class _Xsecond extends State<Xsecond> {
  static String lat = Xsecond.latitude.toString(); // Error: Instance member ‘latitude’ can’t be accessed using static access

followed by

  String url = '${lat},$lng&radius=$radius&type=restaurant&key=$api';


  • In your code both latitude and longitude are defined as non-static i.e. are instance variables. Which means they can only be called using a class instance.

    class _Xsecond extends State<Xsecond> {
          final xsecond = Xsecond();
          static String lat = xsecond.latitude.toString();

    Please read the basics of any Object Oriented Programming language e.g. Dart, java, C++

    However, in your context the first class is your StatefullWidget. So you can access that by the widget field of your state class.


    class _Xsecond extends State<Xsecond> {
              static String lat = widget.latitude.toString();