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Socket vs. multiprocessing.connection.Listener in python

I know there are different ways to implement IPC in python such as Pipes and Queue; But according to the Python's official documentation, There is also an alternative way called Listener and Client.

multiprocessing.connection.Listener is much like socket and both got same functions like accept() , close() , send() and recv(). So if we only focus on IPC purpose , whats difference between these two modules? Which one is more efficient ?


  • Socket Families

    I looked at cpython on github, multiprocessing.connection.Listener uses socket standard library with just one main different point : socket families.

    Listeners support these families for communication :

    • AF_PIPE - Named pipe
    • AF_INET - TCP socket
    • AF_UNIX - Unix domain socket

    Python's standard socket library supports AF_INET and AF_UNIX well, so we can surely say that the main difference is about AF_PIPE family.