I need a script or az command to move my secrets from keyvault01 to keyvault02.
Does someone have az commands for that scenario?
Do you already have another Key Vault, or just want to move one to a new resource group or subscription. You can do that in the portal:
If you just need to move a few secrets you can do something like this using the cross-platform Azure module for PowerShell:
Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName MyOldVaultName -Name test* `
| foreach { Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName MyOldVaultName -Name $_.Name } `
| foreach { `
Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName MyNewVaultName `
-Name $_.Name `
-SecretValue $_.SecretValue `
-Expires $_.Expires `
-Disable:(!$_.Enabled) `
-ContentType $_.ContentType `
-Tag $_.Tags }
You need to call Get-AzKeyVaultSecret
twice because listing secrets does not download the secret value, so a second call with the specific secret value you want is necessary to retrieve it.