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BASH MySQL output to dynamic variables

I'm using the following BASH mysql statement to get data from my DB.

mysql -N -u root --password=ROOT DB -h -e "SELECT * FROM site where id like '1234'" | while read A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z; do
    echo $A
    echo $B

To get all the values for A to Z this seems a long winded way.

How can I do this better and create variables based on the read value name and results. ?

eg: create var A which contains value of $A and do this all the way upto var Z containing the value of $Z

This is only an example, the values won't be called A-Z, but have proper names. Is there any way to create variable based on the true proper name and then associate the value to it ?


mysql -N -u root --password=ROOT DB -h -e "SELECT * FROM site where id like '1234'" | while read site_id site_location site_size etc.......; do


  • The mysql call needs to be piped-in to the while loop this way:

    while read -r site_id site_location site_size _ ; do
      echo "$site_id" "$site_location" "$site_size"
    done < <(
      mysql -N -u root --password=ROOT DB -h -e "SELECT * FROM site where id like '1234'"

    The < <(command) redirection allows the command to execute in a sub-shell, but feed the main thread's read. So when it read -r var1 var2 ... varn < <(command), variables are valid for the main thread.

    Whereas command | read -r var has command to execute in the main thread and read execute in a sub-shell, and var is only valid within the sub-shell.

    Getting variable names matching each column name from the table

    This script reads the table description and creates a vars array containing the column names.

    It reads, creates and prints each shell variable of these names using indirection.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # Pupulate the vars array with the column names from the table
    IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a vars < <(
      mysql -N -u root --password=ROOT DB -h -e 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM site' |
        cut -d ' ' -f1
    # Output column headers
    printf '%s\t' "${vars[@]}"
    # read and create variables names matching column names
    while read -r "${vars[@]}"; do
      for varname in "${vars[@]}"; do
        # Use ! indirection to print the value for the variable
        printf '%s\t' "${!varname}"
    done < <(
      mysql -N -u root --password=ROOT DB -h -e "SELECT * FROM site where id like '1234'"