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Caused by: No property languageId found for type Project

I have two Entity class as shown below. Using JPARepository how can I findProjectByProjectIdAndLanguageId.

public class ProjectDetails {

    private int projectId;
    private String projectDescription;
    private int languageId;


public class Project {

    private int projectId;
    private String projectName;
    private LocalDate projectStartDate;
    private LocalDate projectEndDate;
    private String projectStatus;

    private ProjectDetails projectDetails;


public interface ProjectRepository extends JpaRepository<Project, Integer> {

    public List<Project> findProjectByProjectIdAndLanguageId(int projectId , int languageId);


I am getting below error when I start my spring boot application.

Caused by: No property languageId found for type Project!


  • If you want to filter on properties not on the aggregate root you'll have to provide the full path. The following should work.

    public List<Project> findProjectByProjectIdAndProjectDetailsLanguageId(int projectId , int languageId);