I have two Entity class as shown below. Using JPARepository how can I findProjectByProjectIdAndLanguageId.
public class ProjectDetails {
private int projectId;
private String projectDescription;
private int languageId;
public class Project {
private int projectId;
private String projectName;
private LocalDate projectStartDate;
private LocalDate projectEndDate;
private String projectStatus;
private ProjectDetails projectDetails;
public interface ProjectRepository extends JpaRepository<Project, Integer> {
public List<Project> findProjectByProjectIdAndLanguageId(int projectId , int languageId);
I am getting below error when I start my spring boot application.
Caused by: org.springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property languageId found for type Project!
If you want to filter on properties not on the aggregate root you'll have to provide the full path. The following should work.
public List<Project> findProjectByProjectIdAndProjectDetailsLanguageId(int projectId , int languageId);