I am working on Azure Function App .net core 3.1 with Polly retry and circuit breaker. till now I dont have problem with the logging the details to App Insights using the builder because it doesnt get initialized until the execution like below
private static void AddPoliciesAsync(this IHttpClientBuilder builder)
builder.AddPolicyHandler((service, request) =>
Where HTTPTrigger1 is the function app name for testing. Now I need to extend the existing functionality to check whether the circuit is broken or not so that I can run another set of business functionalities. For that as mentioned here https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly#circuit-breaker, I have added the singleton instance of the CB to make sure am reading the circuit breaker state.
var logger = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<ILogger<HTTPTrigger1>>();
var circuitBreaker = GetCircuitBreakerAsyncPolicy(logger);
services.AddSingleton(circuitBreaker as ICircuitBreakerPolicy<HttpResponseMessage>);
services.AddHttpClient("name", client =>
// something
.AddPollyPolicies(logger, circuitBreaker);
But am getting the error while getting the logger instance on the second implementation. As I checked in the MS docs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-dotnet-dependency-injection#caveats says dont log the message during the start up, eventhough am creating the instance, it still throws the error(which interns required for the subsequesnt calls). Is there anyway I can achieve the logging here?
Why not just use the AddSingleton
factory overload?
services.AddSingleton(sp => {
var logger = sp.GetService<ILogger<HTTPTrigger1>>();
var circuitBreaker = GetCircuitBreakerAsyncPolicy(logger);
return circuitBreaker as ICircuitBreakerPolicy<HttpResponseMessage>;