How do I tell the YUI-Editor to enclose all text into <p></p>
and use <p></p>
instead of <br>
if the user issues a linebreak?
Here comes an example to illustrate what I'm trying to do:
Instead of this:
The quick brown fox<br>jumps over the lazy dog
I would like to have this:
<p><p>The quick brown fox</p><p>jumps over the lazy dog</p></p>
Any idea how to do this besides parsing the whole html before saving it and finding-replacing the tags?
I just noticed, that the YUI Editor automagically issues <p></p>
on linebreaks if the whole text is enclosed in <p></p>
. In other words, the question would be:
How do I tell the YUI Editor to enclose the whole text in the textarea with
Looks like you want the "ptags" configuration option:
var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('msgpost', {
height: '300px',
width: '522px',
dompath: true, //Turns on the bar at the bottom
animate: true, //Animates the opening, closing and moving of Editor windows
ptags: true
As documented here.