I'm trying to replace the LoginPage with The AccountPage after user logs in, keeping the Tabs on the bottom, however after using, this.router.navigate(account), it completely removes the tabs.
Expected behaviour: User clicks account tab, user logs in, Login page is replaced with user account page. Below are some screenshots of the expected behaviour
login() {
if (this.loginForm.valid) {
(data: any) => {
if (data.status === "success") {
let user = data.data;
this.events.publish("user:logged", user);
this.openUserAccount(user.id, user);
} else {
this.alertService.present(data.message, data.status);
console.log(data.message, data.status )
() => {
openUserAccount(id: string, user: User){
this.dataService.setData(id, user);
this.router.navigate(["/account", id]);
tabs: any[] = [
name: "novelties",
icon: "icon-novelties"
name: "pratos",
icon: "icon-menus" },
name: "account",
icon: "icon-user"
name: "stores",
icon: "icon-stores"
name: "about",
icon: "icon-qrcode"
const routes: Routes = [
path: "tabs",
component: TabsPage,
children: [
path: "novelties",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/novelties/novelties.module").then(m => m.NoveltiesPageModule)
path: "pratos",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/pratos/pratos.module").then(m => m.PratosPageModule)
path: "account",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/login/login.module").then(m => m.LoginPageModule)
path: "stores",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/stores/stores.module").then(m => m.StoresPageModule)
path: "about",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/about/about.module").then(m => m.AboutPageModule)
path: "",
redirectTo: "/tabs/novelties",
pathMatch: "full"
path: "",
redirectTo: "/tabs/novelties",
pathMatch: "full"
So I managed to get it to work. Now I just need to be able to pass the id, which is not working.
Here's how I did it:
path: "login/account/:id",
children: [
path: "",
loadChildren: () => import("@pages/account/account.module").then(m => m.AccountPageModule)
openUserAccount(id: string, user: User){
this.dataService.setData(id, user);
///// this.router.navigate(["/account", id]); <-- REMOVED THIS LINE
this.router.navigate(['tabs/login/account', id]); <-- REPLACED WITH
Now the problem with the tab is solved, however I cannot access the id.
ngOnInit() {
console.log(this.route.snapshot.parent.data["user"]); <-- I'm certain the problem is here..
if (this.route.snapshot.parent.data["user"]) {
this.user = this.route.snapshot.data["user"];
How can i acess the id