I currently have a problem to convert an SQL date prompt in Cognos. I would like to rebuild a SQL-Query into Cognos Report Studio 10.2.
In my SQL-Query I have implemented two prompts. The first one:
SQL: where :date between DATE1 and DATE2
I can solve this with following function in Cognos:
where TO_DATE (#sq(prompt ( 'date_prompt', 'date' ))#, 'YYYY-MM-DD') between DATE1 and DATE2
but now I have problems with the following prompt where i have to convert der date into char and afterwards into number:
where PART in (299912, to_number(to_char(:date, 'YYYYMM')))
I have tried following function:
where PART in (299912, to_number(to_char(TO_DATE (#sq(prompt ( 'date_prompt', 'date' ))#, 'YYYYMM'))))
But i got following Error:
UDA-SQL-0107 General exception error during the operation "open result".
ORA-01843 No valid month
Since you are using a macro already, just make it do the work.