I am a newbie with Spring Data and I am trying to implement a TypeSort 'by'. The reference docs show the following example:
TypedSort<Person> person = Sort.sort(Person.class);
TypedSort<Person> sort = person.by(Person::getFirstname).ascending()
This does not compile on my computer (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Sort to Sort.TypedSort). I am using OpenJDK version 13. After some trying, the following code (a little bit simplified for testing) seems to work ok:
TypedSort<Person> sorter = Sort.sort(Person.class);
Sort sorted = sorter.by(Person::getFirstName).descending();
Did I miss something in the documentation or is this a documentation flaw?
It's an error in the reference documentation or something they forgot to implement.
As soon as you call .ascending() or .descending(), it's a Sort and no longer a TypedSort.
I guess TypedSort it was only tested/implemented to be used as a 'fluent' API:
Sort sort = Sort.sort(Person.class)
So the following should work, but it's not like in the documentation:
TypedSort<Person> person = Sort.sort(Person.class);
Sort sort = person.by(Person::getFirstname).ascending()