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"sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform" windows 10

I am trying to run the basic sanic app on windows 10.

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
app = Sanic('just-try')

async def test(request):
  return json({"hello": "world"})

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000,workers=1)

But it is just stuck there showing this warning

sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform

enter image description here

sanic - 19.12.2

python - 3.7.6 (anaconda env)

OS - windows 10

installed sanic by running-

pip install sanic

note: I had to manually download and copy aiofiles, hpack, hyperframe, h11, rfc3986, and hstspreload to the site-packages folder. otherwise getting import error.


  • Need to install sanic from git.

    set SANIC_NO_UVLOOP=true
    set SANIC_NO_UJSON=true
    pip install git+

    They will release version 20.3 with windows related bugs fixed.