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Angular - Expression Changed After It Has Been Checked

Well, i know there are a ton of questions about this exact problem, but even after reading some of them, i can't solve my problem. I tried the solution with the changeDetectionRef, but either i am doing it wrong, or it just doesn't work in my case.

To my problem: I am making a budget book, adding transactions and stuff, everything was doing great until i added a balance overview, which shows the overall balance on the account and the change that is going to be applied in the month. The balance is sent from the parent(budget-book.component) to the child (day.component) in a ngFor directive. I see, that the problem i got is, that the same value is sent to each child, received, changed and sent to the next child afterwards. I tried making a array in the parent, where each balanceChange is saved and instead sending the sum of the previous days, but this didn't work out either. I was also thinking about making an observable.


<ul class="days">
      <app-day (addEvent)="addTransaction($event)" (removeEvent)="removeTransaction($event)" (balanceEvent)="updateBalance($event)"
               *ngFor="let day of days; index as i" [date]="sendDate(,, i + 1)"
               [transactions]="getTransactions(i)" [balance]="balance"></app-day>


balance: number;

ngOnInit(): void {

    this.balance = 0;


updateBalance(balanceChange: number) {
    this.balance += balanceChange;


<div class="header-balance-container">
      <span [class.positive-number]="balance + balanceChange >= 0" [class.negative-number]="balance + balanceChange < 0" class="balance">{{balance + balanceChange | currency: 'EUR'}}</span>
      <span [class.positive-number]="balanceChange >= 0" [class.negative-number]="balanceChange < 0 " class="difference" >{{balanceChange | currency: 'EUR'}}</span>


@Input() balance: number;
balanceChange: number;
@Output() balanceEvent = new EventEmitter<number>();

ngOnChanges(): void {
    this.balanceChange = 0;
    if (this.transactions) {
      this.transactions.forEach((transaction: Transaction) => {
        this.balanceChange += transaction.value;
    // here is where i tried adding the changeDetectionRef


pushBalance() {

I am on this problem since days and can't figure out, how to resolve. I'd be happy, if someone here could explain me, what i am missing and what my solution perspectives are.


A Service did it for me, for those interested in my stupidity, something simple as this solved the problem, which bothered me for days.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class BalanceService {
  balanceActivities: number[];

  constructor() {

  setBalances(dayCount: number) {
    this.balanceActivities = new Array(dayCount);

  addBalance(day: number, balanceActivity: number) {
    this.balanceActivities[day] = balanceActivity;

  getBalanceToDate(day: number) {
    let balance = 0;
    this.balanceActivities.forEach((balanceActivity, index) => {
      balance += balanceActivity;
      if (index >= day) {
        return balance;
    return balance;

  getBalance() {
    let balance = 0;
    this.balanceActivities.forEach((balanceActivity, index) => {
      balance += balanceActivity;
    return balance;


  • You can try to use DoCheck:

    class MyComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck {
      private _balance: number = 0;
      public balance: number;
      ngOnInit(): void {
      ngDoCheck(): void {
        this.balance = this._balance;
      updateBalance(balanceChange: number) {
        this._balance += balanceChange;

    But it doesn't seem like a very good solution. Depending on the task, you can use a service that will store the total balance, and you will not need to add it to the input / output.