I'm kinda new to Grails so I need help with this matter. Imagine I have these classes:
Class User{
String name
String nr
class Computer{
String processor
String ram
User user
Class Room{
String roomNr
Computer computer
I want to do a controller like this:
def print= {
def user = User.get(1)
def computer = Computer.findAllByUser(user) // all computers filtered by User
[computer: computer]
The controller works good, but I want to be able to pass not only the computer instances, but also the Room's with that computer id's. I dont know how to do it, but would be something like this (same controller, same action):
def print= {
def user = User.get(1)
def computer = Computer.findAllByUser(user) // all computers filtered by User
def room = Room.findAllByComputer(computer) ##
[computer: computer]
Well, this is wrong because, where the ### is, 'computer' represents a list of id's and not a single id. As I am passing a list of computers to be printed in my gsp inside a g: each tag like this: (it. Processor, it. Ram). I dont know how to get all the rooms which are using the current computer in the each tag. This is a bit hard to explain, but basically my output would be:
<g:each in="${computer}"
Processor: ${it.processor}
Ram: ${it.ram}
Room: ????? (How to get here??)
I came up with something like this, but I didn't test it.
def print = {
def user = User.get(1)
def computer = Computer.findAllByUser(user)
def rooms = [:]
// get rooms for that computer
def computerRooms = Room.findAllByComputer(it) // find all rooms where current computer is
rooms.put(it.id, computerRooms) // map all the rooms with computer id
[computer: computer, rooms: rooms]
<g:each in="${computer}">
Processor: ${it.processor}
Ram: ${it.ram}
Rooms: <g:join in="${rooms[it.id]}" delimiter=", "/>
Rooms map uses computer id as a key and list of all rooms where that computer is as value. Of course If I understood you correctly ;)
If you need access room details, you can replace join
tag with another each
tag, like this:
<g:each in="${computer}" >
Processor: ${it.processor}
Ram: ${it.ram}
Rooms: <br/>
<g:each in="${rooms[it.id]}">
Room id: ${it.id}
Room number: ${it.number}
And you can also implement the Room
class toString()
method, because join
tag uses it to render text:
Class Room{
String roomNr
String toString(){
Now when you use join
tag on list of Room
class instances, it will print room number.